How does Biofloc Technology (BFT) work?

The beauty of BFT is the mechanisms for the removal of ammonium from the water (via assimilation) where given the use of feeds carrying a Carbon to Nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) greater than 15:1 results in the dominance of heterotrophic bacteria as the major pathway for the removal of toxic nitrogenous compounds (Total Ammonia Nitrogen – TAN) via assimilation into new bacterial cell biomass.
BFT provides an abundant supply of “bacterial plankton” - a rich source of good quality protein and nutrients for filter feeding fish and shrimp – BFT is then rather like killing two birds with one stone.
Acceptable water quality can be maintained over an extended period (>18 months at Chambo Fisheries) of continuous operation in well engineered BFT tanks which prevent the accumulation of dead and oxidized material through effective elimination of solid material via the integration of a solids capture and removal component.