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News: Completion of bioprogramming and production modelling exercise on Dusky kob (Argyrosomus japonicus)

As a precursor to the design of a Dusky kob RAS a comprehensive bioprogramming and production modeling exercise has been conducted on Dusky kob. This work is necessary in preparation for process optimization procedures usually conducted by SAFF ahead of system design.

SAFF is now in a better position to forge ahead on a 2nd generation RAS design for this species given a better understanding of the pattern and cost of growth and nutrient deposition in Dusky kob including diet specifications and daily feed intake based on their requirements for protein and energy. The bioprogramming effort covers the following; growth modeling, diet specifications, bioenergetic feeding rate models and waste product generation. Looking forward to tackling Yellowtail Kingfish ((Seriola lalandi) next.

Contact Ray Kourie for more detail.

News: Prof. Bilal demonstrates the benefits of moderate exercise conditions in tank cultured Nile tilapia

SAFF has long believed in the benefits of moderate exercise conditions in tank cultured tilapia's based upon inventory results at the Hadath Tilapia Farm in Lebanon.

It’s great to see supporting literature on the subject given the misconception held by many industry practitioners that tilapias should be raised in static water – low current velocities - to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure on swimming activity diverted away from somatic (body growth).

Contact Ray Kourie for more detail.