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Chambo Fisheries purportedly the worlds largest and most advanced BFT farm

Chambo Fisheries operates a vertically integrated farming operation which carries a quarantine facility, broodstock pairing tanks, an artificial incubation room for hatching eggs robbed from female brooders, a dedicated nursery system, purging tanks, a moist feed milling plant and an ice plant and cold-storage facilities apart from the Biofloc Technology (BFT) grow-out tanks. The farm boasts eight large Round-ended (R-ended) grow-out tanks each holding 780,000L of water capable of producing up to 100 tonnes of tilapia per tank in a year, or up to 130kg m-3 (amplified by continuous sequential rearing yielding a P : C ratio of 6.6:1) of effective rearing volume per year via a multi-cohort sequential production schedule although rearing densities average only around 20kg m-3.

SustAqua Fish Farms (Pty) Ltd

14 Branch Lane

Blairgowrie, 2625


South Africa